UK Drugs Unlimited: Research and policy lessons from the front line: (Howard Parker et al) (Macmillan) A collection of SPARC research studies into recreational drug use, drug dealing, heroin and young people, crack cocaine careers etc.
UK Drugs Unlimited: Research and policy lessons from the front line: (Howard Parker et al) (Macmillan) A collection of SPARC research studies into recreational drug use, drug dealing, heroin and young people, crack cocaine careers etc.
Dancing on Drugs: Risk, health and hedonism in the British clubscene (Fiona Measham, Judith Aldridge, Howard Parker) A study of dance drug users and night clubbers. (Free Association Press)
Illegal Leisure: The normalisation of adolescent recreational drug use among English youth (Howard Parker, Judith Aldridge and Fiona Measham) Routledge 1998 Rep 1999, London. ISBN 0415158109.
Late 2010 Illegal Leisure Revisited will be published updating the original classic text plotting the journeys of the cohort across their twenties and updating the normalisation debate
Click here for copy of Derbyshire Drug Market Project Final Report
Howard's My Drinking and My Drug Use tools are still available from HIT. They are proving very popular with Young People's Services as a self or inter-active assessment and motivational tool and discrete brief intervention or part of a strucured care plan intervention.
AACCE substance use in the North West of England -The changing profile of substance users in treatment and its implications for future provision (Hurst,Parker, Marr and McVeigh)